IV Infusions

Seeking a potent method to rejuvenate your body and elevate your overall well-being? Explore our state-of-the-art IV Therapy treatments. Crafted to deliver vital vitamins, minerals, and nutrients directly into your bloodstream, our tailored IV therapies stand as the ultimate solution for those aiming to optimize their health. Whether you’re recovering from an ailment or injury, experiencing fatigue, or simply striving to attain peak vitality, our skilled healthcare professionals are dedicated to assisting you in reaching your objectives.

At the Institute for Integrative Therapies, we exclusively utilize top-tier ingredients to ensure optimal results, allowing you to invigorate your body, fortify your immune system, and experience your best self—all within a single, convenient treatment.

IV Infusion Packages

Myers Mix

IV infusion allows for precise control over the dosage and provides a rapid onset of the drug’s effects. This controlled administration ensures a more predictable and steady absorption of the medication into the bloodstream, leading to a faster response.

What is a Myer Mix?

Named after the renowned Dr. John Myers, a pioneer in intravenous nutrition, Myers Mix IV Therapy is a specialized cocktail of vital vitamins and minerals. Dr. Myers dedicated his career to discovering the profound benefits of intravenous nutrient administration, revolutionizing the approach to chronic symptoms.

The Benefits of Myers Mix 

Alleviate Chronic Symptoms

Myers Mix is tailored to provide relief from persistent issues such as ongoing pain and migraines. The combination of essential nutrients targets the root causes of these symptoms, promoting lasting relief.

Enhance Overall Well-Being

Beyond symptom relief, Myers Mix contributes to your overall well-being by boosting your immune system, improving energy levels, and supporting various bodily functions.

Immunity Boost

Our Immunity Boost IV Therapy is a specialized infusion of premium-grade vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants carefully curated to enhance your body’s natural defense mechanisms. As we navigate through various environmental challenges, maintaining a robust immune system is paramount, and this therapy is designed to do just that.

Antioxidant Infusion

Named after the renowned Dr. John Myers, a pioneer in intravenous nutrition, Myers Mix IV Therapy is a specialized cocktail of vital vitamins and minerals. Dr. Myers dedicated his career to discovering the profound benefits of intravenous nutrient administration, revolutionizing the approach to chronic symptoms.

Mineral Support

Named after the renowned Dr. John Myers, a pioneer in intravenous nutrition, Myers Mix IV Therapy is a specialized cocktail of vital vitamins and minerals. Dr. Myers dedicated his career to discovering the profound benefits of intravenous nutrient administration, revolutionizing the approach to chronic symptoms.

Vital Vitamins

Named after the renowned Dr. John Myers, a pioneer in intravenous nutrition, Myers Mix IV Therapy is a specialized cocktail of vital vitamins and minerals. Dr. Myers dedicated his career to discovering the profound benefits of intravenous nutrient administration, revolutionizing the approach to chronic symptoms.

The Benefits of Immunity Boost IV Therapy 

Alleviate Chronic Symptoms

Myers Mix is tailored to provide relief from persistent issues such as ongoing pain and migraines. The combination of essential nutrients targets the root causes of these symptoms, promoting lasting relief.

Enhance Overall Well-Being

Beyond symptom relief, Myers Mix contributes to your overall well-being by boosting your immune system, improving energy levels, and supporting various bodily functions.

Enhance Overall Well-Being

Beyond symptom relief, Myers Mix contributes to your overall well-being by boosting your immune system, improving energy levels, and supporting various bodily functions.


Our Immunity Boost IV Therapy is a specialized infusion of premium-grade vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants carefully curated to enhance your body’s natural defense mechanisms. As we navigate through various environmental challenges, maintaining a robust immune system is paramount, and this therapy is designed to do just that.

Hydration Boost

Combat the dehydrating effects of alcohol or a busy lifestyle with a powerful infusion of hydrating fluids, promoting a swift recovery.


We include a fast-acting anti-nausea medication and NSAID for pain relief that will help resolve the hangover effects from your epic night out.

Mineral Restoration

Replenish vital minerals like electrolytes to restore balance and support overall well-being for your health.

The Benefits of Revitalize IV Therapy 

Fast Hangover Relief 

Say goodbye to the grogginess and discomfort associated with hangovers. Reboot IV Therapy is designed to provide rapid relief, helping you reclaim your day.

Reenergize Your Body

 Boost energy levels and combat fatigue, so you can get back to feeling your vibrant, energetic self.

Tailored For Recovery

Whether you’ve overindulged in festivities or need a quick recovery from a demanding week, our therapy is tailored to meet your unique needs.

Personalized IV Therapies

We are dedicated to helping you achieve your optimal health and well-being through personalized wellness solutions. Explore our customized IV Therapy for Longevity, Sexual Performance, and Weight Loss—a comprehensive approach designed to enhance your vitality and address specific health goals. Meet with our medical team to discuss your goals and together we will create a custom IV therapy plan.


Our longevity focused IV therapy includes NAD+, a vital coenzyme found in every cell of your body, playing a fundamental role in energy production, DNA repair, and cellular metabolism. As we age, NAD+ levels naturally decline, impacting our overall health and vitality. NAD+ IV Therapy is a proactive approach to replenishing these levels and promoting optimal cellular function. NAD+ can be added to any of our IV packages or delivered on its own.

  • Boosted Energy Production

    NAD+ is essential for the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary source of energy in cells. Our therapy can enhance energy levels and combat fatigue.

  • Cellular Repair and Longevity

    NAD+ supports DNA repair mechanisms, promoting cellular health and potentially slowing down the aging process.

  • Neuroprotection

    Studies suggest that NAD+ may have neuroprotective effects, supporting brain health and cognitive function.

Why Choose Customized IV Therapy at IIT

Expert Guidance

Our team of experienced healthcare professionals is dedicated to guiding you on your wellness journey, ensuring that your IV therapy aligns with your goals.

Cutting Edge Solutions

Benefit from the latest advancements in wellness with our state-of-the-art facilities and customized formulations.

Confidential and Comfortable Environment

Benefit from the latest advancements in wellness with our state-of-the-art facilities and customized formulations.